Women’s studies online (WMST) is an Indigenous-women led national non-profit organization based in Canada. At WMST, we work to end male violence against women and girls; empower women who have survived male violence with education, action, and community; and increase the status, well-being, and equity of Indigenous women and girls in Canada.
Male Violence Against Women
Studies have show consistently, across time and space, that it's overwhelmingly men who commit acts of violence against women and girls.
In Canada, men kill women and girls at alarming rates – a man murders a women or girl every other day (Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability). This is an unfortunate truth around the world, where on average, more than 5 women or girls are killed every hour by a man in their own family (UN Women).
1 in 3 women in Canada will be sexually assaulted during her lifetime, and this statistic is not decreasing (AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre).
33% of women aged 15 to 24 years old experience online male sexualized violence (Women and Gender Equality Canada) and studies have shown that worldwide, 73% of women are abused online (Canadian Women's Foundation).
At WMST, we recognize the very real short and long-term impacts of patriarchy on the lives of women and girls as an oppressed class of people. To help remedy these systemic impacts, WMST is for women who have survived and who are surviving male violence, the threat of male violence, and all other forms of sex-based discrimination and oppression.
By reading, learning, and building upon feminist theories of the past, women are better able to understand, process, and fight back against male violence.
Women's Studies
Women’s studies today have been replaced by gender studies in universities across Canada and elsewhere. Postmodern, queer, and other academic theories are confusing and have real impacts on the lives of everyone in and outside of academia. In particular, women and girls are impacted in areas such as public policy, legislation, and the media.
Sometimes, as women, we’re told to ignore our concerns on issues that matter to us. Your concerns are valid and deserve to be heard, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Women who centre women in research, education, action and connection need an autonomous decolonizing feminist alternative to academic manstitutions and their man studies. All women need space to think for ourselves, learn and teach each other in ways that make sense to us, and value our experiences and knowledge. This can include, for example, making art, personal reflection, storytelling, and creative practice - these are all valid ways of knowing, expression, learning, and teaching.
Theories are just ideas, even though they’re presented as something more complicated. All women are entitled to learn about, consider, and build decolonizing feminist theory; to think critically; to ask questions; to learn about issues that impact us; to take action; and to build solidarity with women as women, using our differences as strength.
The loss of women's studies in Canada and elsewhere has had a profoundly negative impact on women and girls. Reality-based and accessible feminist theory helps us to better understand women's experiences, including our own, and to fight back against the patriarchy.

Decolonizing Feminism
Women and girls across Canada and elsewhere confront issues such as male violence, poverty, and racism on a daily basis. While the issues are the same, they impact different groups of women and girls in distinct ways. In order to confront these issues and create change, we need to build solidarity amongst women, including reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous women.
Centering decolonizing feminist perspectives, we are continually building connection, knowledge, and confidence among women in our learning community that includes peer support groups, events, and other offerings. Part of this work includes looking back at women’s ideas, texts, actions, and even mistakes that have come before us, engaging with and building on this knowledge in the present, and working toward a better future for us all.

To better assist women who have survived male violence and to prevent male violence in the first place, we must link feminist theory with the crisis of murdered and disappeared Indigenous women and girls and build decolonizing feminist theory.
Our Vision
When united in solidarity and reconciliation, we believe in the power of women to create a world where women and girls are safe and free.
When we come together as women united in solidarity and reconciliation, we celebrate and learn from each other; from women in the past, and from our similarities and differences to create a better future for us all.

Our Mission
To learn...
from the work women have done before, including feminist writing, art, and action from the past. We celebrate our victories, learn from our mistakes, and build upon feminist theories to expand our knowledge and skills together;
To build...
solidarity and reconciliation between women from different backgrounds to facilitate learning, understanding, and action against male violence against women and girls in Canada and elsewhere with a particular focus on Indigenous women and girls;
To ensure...
that Indigenous and women of colour, poor women, disabled women, lesbian women, and other women facing intersectional oppression can learn, teach, research, and take action in a feminist environment;
Our Principles
WMST's Principles
The oppression of women by race, class, and sexuality is just as important as women's sex-based oppression;
To create solidarity, reconciliation, and connections among women, we need spaces to come together and learn from our shared and differing experiences;
Women are entitled to women-only space, especially those who have survived male violence or the threat of male violence;
Women are stronger together than apart;
Feminism means radical feminism and radical means going to the root;
Education takes many forms and is a life-long process;
Teaching and learning is for everyone, you don't need a PhD to share your knowledge and experiences;
Feminist theory, organizing, strategizing, and action is learned;
Consciousness-raising is an essential tool to further women's liberation;
The material conditions of women's lives inform feminist theory;
Feminist theory informs our political actions;
Women's Studies grew out of the women's liberation movement and is still necessary and needed;
Women's Studies has a responsibility to further feminist theory and action and is accountable to the women's liberation movement;
Women's Studies is for all women and girls, not just for students in universities;
We will make mistakes and learn from our mistakes;
It's ok to disagree with each other, and we will, on many different things. Key to disagreement is treating each other with respect;
Joy, laughter, and fun sustains ourselves and our movement.
Please Consider Supporting WMST
Women’s Studies Online seeks to make feminist education, research, networking, and community-building accessible to all women. This is a core value and principle that we adhere to.
To ensure Women’s Studies Online is able to offer no-cost peer support groups, events, and other resources, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation of any amount to support our vital, grassroots feminist work. Let us know with your financial support that you believe in what we’re doing.
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